Media & Entertainment Software Development Solution

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Retail & Ecommerce Software Development

The availability of rich and customised material from multiple media businesses has totally transformed the way we consume data over the last several years. We can help you upgrade to the newest technologies, deliver timely content across multiple distribution channels for less money, streamline the media planning process, track consumer behaviour, and create new revenue streams thanks to our extensive experience in the entertainment software development sector.

Digital Media Processing Platform

When a client has thousands of media assets and each asset must support several formats and languages on various merchant platforms, managing the supply chain in the digital sector becomes highly difficult and time-consuming. By offering strong workflows for titles, assets, and metadata, digital distribution platforms make the process of finalising and distributing content simpler. Reports provide drilled-down details while the dashboard shows the assets’ current status.

Digital Content DAM

Solutions for managing and storing digital assets are intended to organise media files and grant access to digital rights. The days of spending hours manually sifting through tens of thousands of files in quest of one are over. To store and manage all the photos, videos, audios, metadata, and other important items for your company, turn to our digital asset management solutions. Storage, remote sharing of content-rich files with clients and team members, routine backups, proper management, and the addition of keywords for quick searches are all made much easier and hassle-free by such an effective solution.

Management of Media Distribution Platforms

Due to the enormous volume of inventory and manual work, it can be quite difficult for well-established studios to analyse the market, manage titles, and sell them on digital platforms. These issues are resolved by SaaS-based media distribution platforms thanks to their effective processes, automated pricing adjustments, and lower sales and marketing expenses. Platform aids in supplying customers with material at the right pricing to boost sales. Platform offers useful pricing trend analytics that content owners can use to launch various campaigns.

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